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SP-Travel Privacy

Sentient Pixels is a blog with a singular focus on telling stories and being informative. As such, it has very little incentive to collect unnecesary user data, and specific choices have been made to ensure this sense of privacy. The only times any kind of identifiable data is sent to our server from your browser is in the following scenarios:

Comments: This website uses Commento to provide comments. Commento claims to not track users, and only places a cookie to remember that you logged in. No cookies are used that are not required for necessary functioning of this website. Moreover, one can comment anonymously and have no personally identifiable data sent to the server whatsoever, and avoid cookies completely.

Analytics: We have opted for Fathom Analytics to monitor traffic on this website. Fathom claims to not track users or place cookies on the website. Furthermore, it uses anonymised hashing to make sure that indivudal visitors cannot be identified. Consequently, it does not provide individual metrics, just aggregates; which is more than sufficient for us.

Both of these services are self-hosted, and thus, whatever little data there is, never leaves the Sentient Pixels server.

For any enquires or doubts, feel free to reach out.