
Hike to Elora Gorge

Ontario 26 Oct 2023 Blog

26 Oct 2023

Elora Gorge is beautiful gorge cut by the Grand River in Ontario, 117km West of Toronto, roughly 25km from the city of Guelph. We went on a day hike to the Gorge; a 20km walk to and from Wilson Flats. The hike was organized by MRACX; the members carpooled among themselves to get to the rendezvous point from Toronto, and back in the evening.

Wilson Flats were where we gathered and begun the hike.

The hike took us through some pretty and peaceful grasslands and woods.

We hiked up the East side of the Grand river.

Some spots gave us early glimpses of Fall colors. Due to the warmer weather, Fall was a little bit delayed this year, and the leaves turning orange and red were a welcome sight.

We hiked all the way up to the Wellington Rd 7 bridge, which gave us a great view of the gorge.

Thereafter, we crossed over to the other side and begun hiking back down to where we started.

The west side of the gorge has a point with stairs that take you down to the river, which is a great place to take rest and click pictures.

About The Authors

Abdullah Alam

I like to go places, take pictures, and build things. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that.

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